We are committed to making sure every visit to the theatre is a comfortable and enjoyable experience. We have summarised some useful information below to help plan your visit, however, if you have any queries or would like to ask any questions or discuss specific needs in advance of a visit, please contact the box office team who will be happy to help.
Accessible car parking spaces are available adjacent to the leisure centre and in front of the Theatre. In addition there is also ample public parking along Kingsway Road.
Our box office is located directly ahead as you enter through the main automatic entrance doors at the front of the building. There is a low-level counter to the left of the box office.
There are two accessible toilets on the ground floor and one on the first floor. The toilets on the ground floor are opened with a ‘radar’ key. If visitors do not have their own key we can lend one, please speak to a member of the team on arrival.
A passenger lift is located to the rear side of the box office giving access to the first-floor hospitality areas.
Due to the size restrictions in boxes 1 and 4 we regret Motability scooters cannot be admitted into the auditorium or boxes.
Wheelchair places are available in boxes 1 and 4 and these can be booked over the phone or in person. We aim to cater for a minimum of one person to accompany someone with limited mobility in the boxes and will try to accommodate other members of the group nearby.
Facilities are available in the accessible toilet located outside the ground floor entrance to the stalls.
A loop system is installed covering rows A-L and the boxes. Please notify a member of the team on arrival if you wish to have this switched on. On occasion this system may not be available as it can cause interference with radio microphones and detrimentally affect the production.
Our front of house team are happy to support and guide customers directly to their seats where extra assistance is needed.
Accessible performances offer a number of enhancements that enable customers who may benefit from additional support to enjoy the show. Some companies offer signed performances delivered by a BSL interpreter, captioned performances via electronic displays, audio described performances via a headset or hearing aid and touch tours provide visually impaired audiences with the chance to go up onto the stage and gain an understanding of the staging and set, where the entrances and exits are and also the chance to feel some of the staging and props. Shows that provide any of these options will be identified within our season brochure or on the show page on our website. If you have any queries please contact the Box Office team.
Where a concessionary priced seat is offered, it is available to any registered disabled customer plus one person accompanying them. Wheelchair places are available in boxes 1 and 4 and these can be booked over the phone or in person, unfortunately we cannot take bookings for these online. We aim to cater for a minimum of one person to accompany someone with limited mobility in the boxes and will try to accommodate other members of the group nearby. For their own safety, visitors with a disability who choose to book seats in the main auditorium must be able to access the seats and transfer to them unaided.